Similar Origins – Divergent Paths: The Politics of German and Dutch Housing Markets (May 2020)

  • Similar Origins – Divergent Paths: The Politics of German and Dutch Housing Markets

  • By Alice Cooper and Paulette Kurzer. Published on May 20, 2020,

  • PDF available (not open access):

  • Abstract:

    • This article is a comparative study of Dutch and German housing markets that shared many commonalities until the early 1990s.

    • Since the 1990s, the two markets have diverged significantly; with homeownership, mortgage debt and housing prices much higher in the Netherlands than Germany, which is partially due to more extensive turn to neoliberalism in housing policy in the Netherlands.

    • The article also looks into differences in the treatment of private renting versus not-for-profit social housing by governments in each country, and draw attention to mortgage liberalisation after 1993 in the Netherlands, which did not happen in Germany.

  • Keywords: Germany, the Netherlands, Dutch, German, housing market, housing policies, mortgage liberalisation

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