'Does Juan Carlos or Nelson get a larger discount? Discrimination in Spanish housing' (Nov 2018)
Does Juan Carlos or Nelson Obtain a Larger Price Cut in the Spanish Housing Market?
By Josep Maria Raya, Catia Nicodemo and Daniel McMillen. Published online on the Urban Affairs Review on 18 November 2018
https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1078087418811081 (as of May 2020, it only has paid access)
Using a unique dataset and a nonparametric decomposition, we determine whether immigrants with native names, immigrants with foreign names, and natives have different outcomes in Spain’s housing market.
Results suggest that immigrants with native names achieve greater discounts relative to immigrants with non-Spanish names. As a robustness check, we prove that this is not due to the country of birth.
We observe that most of the difference in price across immigrant groups remains unexplained, which may imply some form of discrimination (pure or statistical) against immigrants with non-native names.
Keywords: Spain, discrimination, migration
Discrimination in accessing rental and property housing markets seems to be quite a widespread phenomenon. As researching it to get data can be quite labour intensive, journalists can take advantage of academic work already done on this subject.
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