About the Arena Housing Knowledge Base

The Arena Housing Knowledge Base is a comprehensive repository of different kinds of informative resources regarding housing. It's part of the Arena Housing Project, an open collaborative network launched and coordinated by Arena for Journalism in Europe, a non-profit foundation promoting cross-border collaborative journalism.

The Arena Housing Knowledge Base is divided into seven topics:

Within each topic, different kinds of resources can be found: media, academic and other types of reports; data sets and visualisations; public policy and court cases; as well as notes on what kind of data and information is missing, and on research and reporting opportunities.

You can browse the different topics and types of resources, or you can use the search function to look up any particular words or expressions by clicking on the search icon on the top left corner of the screen, next to the Arena Housing Knowledge Base logo.

There are two extra sections: "City housing profiles", where Arena Housing network members write personal takes on the housing situation in their cities; and "To do".

Compiling data and information and processing to share it as knowledge is time consuming, and also we may miss interesting relevant information that's out there. That's why we think making this knowledge base grow is a community effort, and so you are welcome to take on any of the tasks listed in the >> To do section and to suggest new content for the knowledge base.

Also, please do let us know how useful and usable you find the Arena Housing Knowledge Base, and how we could make it better by working together.

Last updated

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